Melina Jefferson
Project Engineer (2018-2019)
Melina Jefferson is a Project Engineer focused on the development and design of experiments at the Carleton University Lab-Scale Flare facility. Melina supports experiments conducted at the CLSF including: Theme 1 (emissions from flowback flares), Theme 2 (air- and steam-assisted flares), and Theme 4 (producing particulate matter and implementing solid-phase combustion product sampling procedures). Melina also aids in developing the flare experiment project at the Western University Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel (Theme 3).
During her graduate studies, Melina’s work focused on flowback flare emissions which were subsequently developed into Theme 1 of FlareNet. She also conducted research on NOx emission factors for industrial flares and participated in a fieldwork campaign in Ecuador to take the first simultaneous measurement of flare gas flow/composition and black carbon (Theme 5). Melina graduated from Carleton University’s Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering program before pursuing her M.A.Sc in Mechanical Engineering.