David Sawires
M.Sc. Candidate, 2017
FlareNet HQP: September 2016 - November 2016
Thesis topic: An Optical Diagnostic for Instantaneous Measurements of Soot Volume Fraction, Primary Particle Diameter and Mean Aggregate Radius of Gyration in Large Turbulent Flames.
David’s research focuses on an optical diagnostic technique to make measurements of soot properties (particle diameter, radius of gyration and soot volume fraction) inside turbulent flames. While other conventional techniques used to measure soot typically deal with the flames as black boxes, this optical method allows an examination and measurements inside the flames. The technique used in the experiment is a combination of laser induced incandescence and elastic light scattering. This valuable research contributed to the FlareNet Network as it assisted in understanding the fundamentals of soot formation inside flames under Theme 2.
Supervisor: Professor Matthew Johnson at Carleton University