James Beck
Board of Directors, Partner Organization Representative
Air Specialist, Suncor Energy
Mr. Beck is an air emissions subject matter expert within Suncor Energy. He provides support to corporate wide organizations (oil sands and refineries) and explores new opportunities to mitigate current issues and future challenges across the organizations. Some of his current research areas include flaring, remote sensing area fugitive emissions monitoring and emission estimation method development, oil sands emission source characterization, continuous improvement opportunity in oil sands emission reductions. He has worked in the oil sands and upgrading (similar to refineries) areas for 14 years in process engineering and air emissions environmental technical support. Prior to joining Suncor, he had worked in petrochemical industry and academia for 11 years after his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in 1992. Mr. Beck, representing Suncor, brings a key connection to the oil sands sector which is generally quite separate from the rest of the industry. He has also served both on the Alberta Upstream Petroleum Research Fund (AUPRE) and Technology for Emissions Reduction and Eco-Efficiency (TEREE) programs committed to overseeing applied demonstrations of emissions mitigation and efficiency technologies in the energy sector. He is an energetic and engaged individual and is expected to be a very active contributor to the Board. He is based in Calgary.