James Vaughan
Board of Directors, Partner Organization Representative
Technical Advisor, Industry Operations Branch, Alberta Energy Regulator
Mr. Vaughan is a Technical Advisor within the Industry Operations Branch of the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER). In this role, he provides regulatory and technical advice and input on matters of upstream petroleum industry flaring, incineration and venting emissions. James has been with the AER for 14 years. He is the chairperson of the Canadian Flaring and Venting Regulators Forum (CFVRF), and was previously the co-chair of the Clean Air Strategic Alliance’s (CASA) Flaring and Venting Project Team. He has direct experience in regulatory policy in Alberta and nationally through his role as Chair of CRVRF, making him one of the most experienced and likely best qualified Board members to help ensure uptake of results into regulations. Prior to his employment with the AER, James spent ten years working in air quality management generally within sour gas operations of the Alberta upstream oil and gas industry. He is based in Calgary