Zhirong Liang
Postdoctoral Researcher
Zhirong Liang is a postdoctoral fellow on the FlareNet Strategic Network. He is currently involved in Theme 1 topic, and mainly responsible for characterizing the gas phase and particulate phase emissions from a burner mimicking gas flaring operation. Zhirong has obtained his PhD degree in 2017 at Beihang University of China, where he was mainly focusing on analyzing the black carbon and SVOC emissions under diffusion, premixed and double combustion modes of aircraft engine by using SMPS, DMS500, EC/OC and TGA analytical techniques. During 2014-2017, Zhirong spent 2-year at the University of Birmingham of UK for a collaboration research project, being a member of both the Environmental Health Sciences Research group and the Future Engines and Fuels group. At that period, he engaged the research upon characterizing the SVOCs of the diesel fuel, lubricating oil and vehicular engine exhausts by using GC x GC – TOFMS; meanwhile, he also joined in the atmospheric sampling campaign, monitoring the air quality in City Center of London (Marylebone Road & Regent Park).
Thesis Topic: “Characterization of the PM / SVOCs emissions under diffusion, premixed and double combustion modes by using SMPS and GC x GC – TOFMS techniques”
Supervisor: Professor Jason Olfert, University of Alberta