The Kickoff of Research on the Effects of Turbulent Crosswinds at Western University

Preliminary work has begun under Theme 3 at Western University, in which Flarenet aims to conduct the world’s first systematic experiments to specifically quantify the impacts of wind turbulence scale and intensity on emissions from flares.
Professor Matthew Johnson, Project Engineers Darcy Corbin, Melina Jefferson and graduate student Josh Armitage travelled to Western to meet with PI Gregory Kopp and the Wind Tunnel and Facilities Management personnel on January 12-14, 2017. They discussed a range of safety and operational issues ahead of starting modifications and experimental setup to the facility.  The Flarenet team also brought equipment to measure the initial leak rate and effective volume of the wind tunnel under different operating conditions, as part of intelligently planning experimental methodologies.
Project Engineers, Darcy Corbin and Melina Jefferson


Ph.D. Candidate Joshua Armitage










Professor Greg Kopp, lead researcher on Theme 3
Professor Matthew Johnson, co-lead on Theme 3