FlareNet Panel and Student Posters Disseminate Latest Research and Highlight Vibrant Partnerships

FlareNet Panel Discussion, November 27, 2018, The Banff Centre. (left to right) FlareNet PIs, Professor Jason Olfert, U of A, Professor Matthew Johnson, Carleton, Mark K. Anderson, Husky Energy, and Professor Larry Kostiuk, U of A

The FlareNet Network showcased its latest research at the sold-out PTAC Methane Emissions Reduction Forum; Merging Science, Policy and Technology, in Banff, Alberta. The two-day forum focused on various aspects of methane mitigation in the Canadian oil and gas sector in an effort to reach the 2025 methane emissions reductions targets.

UBC FlareNet HQP Una Trivanovic, U of A HQP Mohsen Kazemimanesh displaying collaborative posters

Flaring is the most commonly deployed approach to reduce methane emissions from gaseous waste streams.  Recently published work in FlareNet (Tyner & Johnson, EST, 2018), has also shown that flaring and incineration is likely to increase significantly as new methane regulations are implemented.  Quantitative understanding of flare generated pollutant emissions are thus critical for informing appropriate mitigation actions and understanding implications.  This is a key goal of the FlareNet Network.

Carleton FlareNet HQP, Zachary Milani, awarded first place for innovative poster

The FlareNet Panel Discussion provided a general research overview while highlighting FlareNet’s vibrant collaborative network of government, industry, and academic partnerships.  FlareNet board member Mark K. Anderson of Husky Energy, spoke about his experiences working with FlareNet researchers in providing access to oil and gas field sites in Alberta.  Mr Anderson underscored the importance of industry partnerships in FlareNet and the need to work collaboratively in providing site access for field measurements.  Husky has played a leading role in this regard as part of ensuring derived emission factor data and models under FlareNet are created using relevant measurements from Canadian operations.

FlareNet’s HQP also participated in research dissemination at the Forum by presenting 14 research posters in the Student Innovation Poster & Networking Session. FlareNet’s students answered questions from upwards of 200 government and industry participants during the networking session.  FlareNet’s HQP was awarded both first and second place for most innovative posters;  Zachary Milani from Carleton University was awarded first place, and Abbas Ahsan & Hamza Ahsan from the University of Alberta were awarded second place.

The research abstracts and posters can be found here