International Research Collaboration at Carleton University’s Flaring Lab

FlareNet’s first major collaborative experimental campaign was completed at the Carleton University’s Flare Lab during May 20-28, 2017.  The focus of this effort was on developing particulate measurement protocols under Theme 4 and while also attempting black carbon emission rate and morphology measurements under Themes 1 and 4.  These experiments will were uniquely collaborative, involving several PIs including Steve Rogak (UBC), Jason Olfert (U of A), Kevin Thomson (NRC & Carleton), Matthew Johnson (Carleton University), and their students (HQP) from across the Network.
FlareNet Researchers at Carleton University’s Flaring Lab, May 26, 2017


In addition, Dr. Olga Popovicheva from Moscow State University was a key participant in the campaign, working with the team to expand particulate sampling capabilities, and collecting extractive samples for detailed chemical analysis in support of FlareNet’s Theme 4 research area.
Professor Matthew Johnson & Dr. Olga Popovicheva
During the preparation for this first major collaborative measurement campaign, FlareNet received significant assistance from our Network Partner Natural Resources Canada (NRCan).  In particular, NRCan assisted with modifications to Carleton’s Flare Lab to expand its experimental capabilities and specifically, to allow multi-wavelength measurements of optical absorption and scattering properties of emitted aerosols.