Minister Carr visits the FlareNet research lab to highlight the Government’s support for Canada’s Clean Technology Sector

The Honourable Minister of Natural Resources Jim Carr provided highlights of the Government’s 2017 budget strategy that will increase support for Canada’s clean technology sector during his visit to the FlareNet research lab on April 6th at Carleton University.   Minister Carr announced that $6.9 million in funding for the NSERC FlareNet Strategic Network, “is a strong vote of confidence in Professor Johnson and in all of you who are providing real solutions for tackling climate change.

The work you’re doing here is important.  You’re helping to address one of the key challenges of our times, making fossil fuel production more environmentally responsible. That is a key to the government policy of talking about economic development and environmental stewardship at the same time as part of one conversation.”  Minister Carr went on to say that Professor Johnson’s research is critical because “while the transition to lower carbon energy is well underway the world will continue to rely on fossil fuels for a while yet.  Our responsibility as the Prime Minister has said is to devote our brainpower and ingenuity to making resource extraction more sustainable.”


Also in attendance was Assistant Deputy Minister Frank Des Rosiers, Natural Resources Canada, Innovation and Technology Sector (IETS) who encouraged attendees to explore the lab with Professor Johnson and to get a better “sense of the kind of solutions that are being worked on to address the commitment the government has made around making reductions. We’ve got the guardian of the flame (Melina Jefferson, Project Engineer) who is nearby and show us how this thing works and then they’ll be able to describe the kind of work that is being done with industry and with National Labs.”