Petroleum Technology Alliance of Canada (PTAC)
Oil-and-gas-industry-funded association representing a broad membership base of the many small and large companies that make up Canada’s energy industry
Mandate to facilitate innovation, collaborative research, and technology development, demonstration, and deployment for the Canadian hydrocarbon energy industry
PTAC Air Research Planning Committee (ARPC)
Industry / government representatives with extensive experience and knowledge in environmental issues facing the energy industry

Canadian Assoc. of Petroleum Producers (CAPP)
Mission to advocate for safe, environmentally responsible development of upstream oil, oil sands, and natural gas industry
The more than 90 companies CAPP represents use flaring as a common practice during exploration, production, and processing of oil and gas reserves in Canada.

Clearstone Engineering Ltd.
Canadian-based international environmental engineering firm with specific expertise in air emission assessments and air pollution control
Extensive field measurement experience and knowledge of energy industry operations
Several previous collaborations with the principal applicant in field measurements internationally and inventory development work within Canada