Darcy Corbin
Project Engineer (2017-2020)
Darcy Corbin is a Project Engineer working on the design, construction, and commissioning of a flare at the Western University Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel (BLWT) Laboratory to facilitate Theme 3 of the NSERC FlareNet Strategic Network. Darcy previously commissioned the Carleton Lab-Scale Flare (CLSF) at Carleton University and performed experiments leading to his graduation from Carleton with a M.A.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering supervised by Prof. Matthew Johnson. After graduation, Darcy worked in the Energy and Emissions Research Laboratory at Carleton University on a variety of projects, some of which are now a part of FlareNet. His work includes ongoing research experiments related to the CLSF, hardware design of a novel optical measurement system for monitoring emissions from hydrocarbon storage tanks, and also participated in field measurement campaigns of black carbon from flaring in Mexico and Ecuador. Darcy previously attended the University of British Columbia and graduated with a B.A.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering.
Email: Darcy.Corbin@flarenet.ca